"Yo persuado y obligo a todos los hombres gentiles a soportar cada día mil esfuerzos e incomodidades y a menudo dolores y sufrimientos; y a alguno, a morir gloriosamente por el amor que me profesa. Yo me conformo generalmente con la barba, el cabello, los vestidos...
y no me privo de realizar numerosos juegos comparables a los tuyos, como verbigracia perforar orejas, labios o narices y dañarlos con las naderías que cuelgo de sus orificios, abrasar las carnes de los hombres a los que obligo a practicarse tatuajes por motivos de belleza, deformar las cabezas de los niños con vendajes y otros ingenios... deformar a la gente con calzados demasiado estrechos, dejarles sin respiración y hacer que los ojos se les salten por la estrechez de los corsés y cien cosas más de esta naturaleza."
Le dice la Moda a la Muerte...
"I also frequently persuade and force men of refinement to bear daily numberless fatigues and discomforts, and often real sufferings; and some even die gloriously for love of me. You attack the life of man, and overthrow all people and nations from beginning to end; whereas I content myself for the most part with influencing beards, head-dresses, costumes, furniture, houses, and the like. It is true, I do some things comparable to your supreme action. I pierce ears, lips, and noses, and cause them to be torn by the ornaments I suspend from them. I impress men's skin with hot iron stamps, under the pretence of adornment. I compress the heads of children with tight bandages and other contrivances; and make it customary for all men of a country to have heads of the same shape, as in parts of America and Asia.
I torture and cripple people with small shoes. I stifle women with stays so tight, that their eyes start from their heads; and I play a thousand similar pranks."
Fashion says to Death...
Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi (1824), "Dialogo della Moda e della Morte", en Operette morali.
Info: "El vestido habla", por Nicola Squicciarino & English translation here
Image: elmalpensante